Hi.  I have a question for the S17-concurrency people.

Say I wanted to write a POP3 server. I want to receive a username and password from the client. I want things to be interruptable during this, but it's also impossible to sensibly roll things back like they were before the connection was opened. Is this possible with the concurrency model you specified?

I've been looking at POE ( http://search.cpan.org/~rcaputo/POE-1.003/ ) and have observed that it contains its own simulated concurrency (Sessions, he calls them), and is, it seems to me, well-designed for doing external data transfer as in POP3. He uses an event-driven model.

        Anyway, I'll be interested to hear about this.


| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail: wayl...@wayland.id.au    | I am                           |

Version 3.12
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