On Fri, 20 Feb 2009, Dave Whipp wrote:

I'm getting a bit lost following precisely what's being proposed. What I'm sort of feeling is that there are two fundamental immutable types needed: Instants and Durations:

 multi sub infix:<-> (Instant, Instant --> Duration)
 multi sub infix:<+> (Instant, Duration --> Instant)
 multi sub infix:<-> (Instant, Duration --> Instant)

Of those three, I think only the first is really required for core, so you can do stopwatch type calculations.

If the Duration is just seconds, the latter two are fairly useless and broken. If it's not just seconds, the math is much more complicated, and that's not the sort of thing that belongs in core.

, plus a bunch of formatting/coercion classes/functions (some of which understand time zones, etc):

Please, no. Leave this for CPAN6.


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