: - PGE doesn't implement <ww> by default, because that's not (yet?)
:   part of the spec.  It only appears in PCT::Grammar, for people
:   using the Parrot Compiler Toolkit to create languages.

I have wanted <!ww> a number of times, particularly after generic
tokens that might or might end in \w.  So feel free to spec it.

: - AFAICT, apostrophe and hyphen are not yet "word characters" in
:   the sense of being members of \w .  That is, they're considered
:   to be valid in identifiers, but only when they are immediately
:   preceded by a word character and immediately followed by an 
:   alphabetic character.  Otherwise they're not part of the
:   identifier.  (At least, that's how the current STD.pm reads.)

That's correct, we can ignore ' and - for that purpose.


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