> +To declare an item that is parsed as a simple term, you must use the
> +form C<< term:<foo> >>, or some other form of constant declaration such
> +as an enum declaration.  Such a term never looks for its arguments,
> +is never considered a list prefix operator, and may not work with
> +subsequent parentheses because it will be parsed as a function call
> +instead of the intended term.  (The function in question may or
> +may not exist.)  For example, C<rand> is a simple term in Perl 6
> +and does not allow parens, because there is no C<rand()> function
> +(though there's a C<$n.rand> method).

So if I were to say:

    rand $n:

is the compiler smart enough to notice that trailing colon and
recognize this as an indirect method call rather than two adjacent
terms?  Or would I have to say:


to get the indirect method call?

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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