On 2009-Mar-17, at 2:16 am, Jon Lang wrote:
$choice.perl will return the same thing that the following would:

That is, it would return a Junction of Str, not a Str.  So the
question is how to get something that returns an expression to the
effect of:
    'any(' ~ $choice.eigenstates.«perl.join(',') ~ ')'

say $choice.perl

...which will ultimately call (junction-of-.perl's).Str, and Str(Junction:) is what produces the "any(XXX)" string. [Unless it ends up being implemented some other way, of course!]

The other question is: given $choice as defined above, how do I find
out which type of junction it is?

I guess really Junctions need two public methods: .eigenstates for the values, and, er, .eigenop(?!) to return how they're joined -- I'm thinking it would return a code ref, i.e. &any, &all, etc.


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