On Jun 22, 2009, at 5:51 PM, Damian Conway wrote:
Perl 6's approach to xor is consistent with the linguistic sense of
'xor' ("You may have a soup (x)or a salad (x)or a cocktail"), and also
with the IEEE 91 standard for logic gates.

I don't think natural language -- especially the abomination that is English -- is the best guide for understanding logical operations (why, yes, I *do* speak Lojban; how did you know?). As for consistency, Perl 6's bitwise exclusive-or operators follow the mathematical meaning of XOR, so using the "exactly one true value" definition for ^^ and xor would make Perl 6 inconsistent with itself.

I was going to say more in support of adding a separate operator for "exactly one true value," but Darren Duncan beat me to it.

-- Minimiscience

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