Nicholas Clark wrote:
My understanding is that this makes Perl 5 hash tables amortised O(1).

Hopefully someone else will answer the Perl 6 side properly.

My understanding is that the point of a hash table data structure was that lookups are amortised O(1). However, doing it right - and certainly doing it efficiently - depends on understanding various bits of math that relate to the design of hash functions (basically, the desired result being to minimize collisions). I had enough "fun" getting my head around those as an undergrad, so a few years and a trip to the pub later you've no chance of getting anything intelligent out of me on that front. :-)

FWIW, Rakudo's (which actually just wrap Parrot's) are O(1) too, though I suspect we've room to improve the algorithm a bit. See src/hash.c in Parrot for more.



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