Darren Duncan wrote:
> However, I still don't see how one would retrieve the distinction between say 
> "1..10" and "1^..^10".  I suggest that an extra 2 methods such as 
> .min_is_outside and .max_is_outside (each returns a Bool) could fit the bill, 
> and in fact since I have Pugs write access I think I'll go make that addition 
> myself in the above S03 section.

Rakudo currently uses from_exclusive and to_exclusive, but since ranges
now always have $.from < $.to, I see no reason to stick with "from" in
favor of "min", and "to" in favor of "max".

> Now I was going to ask how to represent endpoints that are "whatever" if 
> "whatever" is orthogonal to type, but then I realized the answer is simply to 
> use a Whatever object, which is one of the 4 "Undefined types" mentioned in 
> S02.
> For example, if someone said:
>    my $r = $foo..*;
>    my $min = $r.min;  # $foo's value
>    my $max = $r.max;  # Whatever.new()
> Now maybe it would be reasonable for .max to return +Inf if $foo was an Int, 
> but 
> I would expect that for any type where $foo doesn't have a concept of 
> positive-infinity, a * would just be Whatever.new() by default.

I'd just say that Range.min and Range.max return exactly what you put
into it - (1..*).max should return * (which is a Whatever object),
(1..Inf).max should return Inf.


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