Solomon (>), Moritz (>>):
>> the current spec doesn't allow immutable containers to call .map with a
>> block that implicitly uses $_ as an implicit parameter.
>> Here's why:
>> S06 says
>>> The C<$_> variable functions as a placeholder in a block without any
>>> other placeholders or signature.  Any bare block without placeholders
>>> really has a parameter like this:
>>>     -> $_ is rw = OUTER::<$_> { .mumble }
>> So $_ is marked as rw, which is checked at binding time.
>> Now lists are immutable, meaning that you can't bind a list item rw, so
>> even if the block doesn't try to modify $_, calling the { .say } block
>> fails.
>> (Note that 'for' has the same problem)
>> How should that be resolved? Should a temporary variable be created that
>>  can be changed, without any effect? or should it fail() on detecting a
>> modification? Somehow this approach seems very backward to me...
> Is there a reason $_ is readonly isn't a possible solution?

For one thing, then you couldn't do this:

my @a = 1, 2, 3;
for @a {

// Carl

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