pugs-comm...@feather.perl6.nl wrote:
@@ -1020,22 +1018,17 @@
C<< prefix:<int> >> -Coerces to type C<Int>. Floor semantics are used for fractional
-values, including strings that appear to express fractional values.
-That is, C<int($x)> must have the same result as C<int(+$x)> in all
-cases.  All implicit conversions to integer use the same semantics.
+Deprecated, use the C<Int()> coercion or the C<floor> function.

Why would the Perl 6 spec contain anything deprecated rather than simply not having it at all?

Or do you mean "deprecated" as in the parser will explicitly recognize it and die with a helpful error message, such as it does for Perl 5's "=~" to catch brainos?

If you mean the latter, is there some central place (say in Synopsis 2) that talks about this, such as in a "terminology" section? "When the Perl 6 spec uses the word ... it means ..."

-- Darren Duncan

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