Author: lwall
Date: 2009-11-24 09:38:16 +0100 (Tue, 24 Nov 2009)
New Revision: 29181

clobber undef as a poorly defined noun, use Object or Nil

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod        2009-11-24 00:29:03 UTC (rev 29180)
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod        2009-11-24 08:38:16 UTC (rev 29181)
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
     Created: 10 Aug 2004
-    Last Modified: 19 Nov 2009
-    Version: 191
+    Last Modified: 23 Nov 2009
+    Version: 192
 This document summarizes Apocalypse 2, which covers small-scale
 lexical items and typological issues.  (These Synopses also contain
@@ -591,18 +591,18 @@
 such as C<Object>, C<Whatever> and C<Failure> objects.  See S04 for more
 about failures (i.e. unthrown exceptions):
-    my Int $x = undef;    # works
+    my Int $x = Int;    # works
 Variables with native types do not support undefinedness: it is an error
 to assign an undefined value to them:
-    my int $y = undef;    # dies
+    my int $y = Int;    # dies
-Conjecture: num might support the autoconversion of undef to NaN, since
-the floating-point form can represent this concept.  Might be better
-to make that conversion optional though, so that the rocket designer
-can decide whether to self-destruct immediately or shortly thereafter.
+Since C<num> can support the value C<NaN> but not the general concept of
+undefinedness, you can coerce an undefined value like this:
+    my num = computation() // NaN;
 Variables of non-native types start out containing an undefined value
 unless explicitly initialized to a defined value.
@@ -1047,14 +1047,18 @@
 =head2 Undefined types
-These can behave as values or objects of any class, except that
-C<defined> always returns false.  One can create them with the
-built-in C<undef> and C<fail> functions.  (See S04 for how failures
-are handled.)
+Perl 6 does not have a single value representing undefinedness.
+Instead, objects of various types can carry type information while
+nevertheless remaining undefined themselves.  Whether an object is
+defined is determined by whether C<.defined> returns true or not.
+These typed objects typically represent unitialized values.  Failure
+objects are also officially undefined despite carrying exception
+information; these may be created using the C<fail> function, or by
+direct construction of an exception object of some sort.  (See S04
+for how failures are handled.)
-    Nil         Empty list viewed as an item
     Object      Uninitialized (derivatives serve as type objects)
-    Whatever    Wildcard (like undef, but subject to do-what-I-mean via MMD)
+    Whatever    Wildcard (like Object, but subject to do-what-I-mean via MMD)
     Failure     Failure (lazy exceptions, thrown if not handled properly)
 Whenever you declare any kind of type, class, module, or package, you're
@@ -1074,53 +1078,12 @@
 Whenever a C<Failure> value is put into a typed container, it takes
 on the type specified by the container but continues to carry the
-C<Failure> role.  (The C<undef> function merely returns the most
-generic C<Failure> object.  Use C<fail> to return more specific failures.  Use
+C<Failure> role.  
+Use C<fail> to return specific failures.  Use
 C<Object> for the most generic non-failure undefined value.  The C<Any>
 type is also undefined, but excludes C<junctions> so that autothreading
-may be dispatched using normal multiple dispatch rules.)
+may be dispatched using normal multiple dispatch rules.
-The C<Nil> type is officially undefined as an item but interpolates
-as a null list into list context, and an empty capture into slice
-context.  A C<Nil> object may also carry failure information,
-but if so, the object behaves as a failure only in item context.
-Use C<Failure> when you want to return a hard failure that
-will not evaporate in list context.  Casting to C<Nil> is one
-way of evaluating an expression and throwing the result away:
-    @inclist = map { $_ + 1 }, @list || Nil( warn 'Empty @list!' );
-    @inclist = do for @list || Nil( warn 'Empty @list!' ) {
-        $_ + 1;
-    }
-Or if you want to test whether you got any results back from
-the C<map> or C<for>:
-    @inclist = do map { $_ + 1 }, @list or Nil( warn 'Empty @list!' );
-    @inclist = do for @list {
-        $_ + 1;
-    } or Nil( warn 'Empty @list!' )
-Since the construct is in the form of a type cast, the parens are required.
-If that syntax is unappealing or you wish to run multiple statements
-in a block, it happens that the C<sink> statement prefix also converts
-any value to C<Nil>, so the examples above can be expressed
-without parentheses:
-    @inclist = map { $_ + 1 }, @list || sink warn 'Empty @list!';
-    @inclist = do for @list || sink { warn 'Empty @list!'; $warnings++; } {
-        $_ + 1;
-    }
-    @inclist = do map { $_ + 1 }, @list or sink warn 'Empty @list!';
-    @inclist = do for @list {
-        $_ + 1;
-    } or sink { warn 'Empty @list!'; $warnings++; }
 =head2 Immutable types
 Objects with these types behave like values, i.e. C<$x === $y> is true
@@ -1128,7 +1091,7 @@
 C<$x.WHICH> eqv C<$y.WHICH>).
     Str         Perl string (finite sequence of Unicode characters)
-    Bit         Perl single bit (allows traits, aliasing, undef, etc.)
+    Bit         Perl single bit (allows traits, aliasing, undefinedness, etc.)
     Int         Perl integer (allows Inf/NaN, arbitrary precision, etc.)
     Num         Perl number (approximate Real, generally via floating point)
     Rat         Perl rational (exact Real, limited denominator)
@@ -1239,9 +1202,9 @@
 for boolean types, and the null string for string and buffer types.
 A C<KeyHash> of a C<Object> type defaults to the undefined prototype
 for that type.  More generally, the default default is whatever defined
-value an C<undef> would convert to for that value type.  A C<KeyHash>
+value a C<Nil> would convert to for that value type.  A C<KeyHash>
 of C<Scalar> deletes elements that go to either 0 or the null string.
-A C<KeyHash> also autodeletes keys for normal undef values (that is,
+A C<KeyHash> also autodeletes keys for normal undefined values (that is,
 those undefined values that do not contain an unthrown exception).
 A C<KeySet> is a C<KeyHash> of booleans with a default of C<False>.
@@ -1827,6 +1790,43 @@
 you can think of Perl 5 references as a degenerate form of C<Capture>
 when you want to refer only to a single item.
+The empty C<Parcel> is a value with a special name: C<Nil>.  It is
+the named equivalent of the empty C<()> list.  The C<Nil> value is
+officially undefined as an item but interpolates as a null list into
+list context, and an empty parcel into slice context.
+Assigning or binding C<Nil> to any scalar container causes the
+container to throw out any contents and restore itself to an
+uninitialized state (after which it will contain a type object
+appropriate to the declared type of the container, or C<Object>
+for untyped containers).
+Assigning or binding C<Nil> to any composite container (such as an
+C<Array> or C<Hash>) empties the container, resetting it back to an
+uninitialized state.  The container object itself remains defined.
+The C<sink> statement prefix will eagerly evaluate any block or
+statement, throw away the results, and instead return the C<Nil> value.
+This can be useful to peg some behavior to an empty list while still
+returning an empty list:
+    # Check that incoming argument list isn't null
+    @inclist = map { $_ + 1 }, @list || sink warn 'Nil input!';
+    @inclist = do for @list || sink { warn 'Nil input!'; $warnings++; } {
+        $_ + 1;
+    }
+    # Check that outgoing result list isn't null
+    @inclist = do map { $_ + 1 }, @list or sink warn 'Nil result!';
+    @inclist = do for @list {
+        $_ + 1;
+    } or sink { warn 'Nil result'; $warnings++; }
+Given C<sink>, there's no need for an "else" clause on Perl 6's loops,
+and the C<sink> construct works in any list, not just C<for> loops.
 =item *
 A signature object (C<Signature>) may be created with colon-prefixed parens:
@@ -1918,14 +1918,14 @@
 appropriate adverb to the subscript.
     @array = <A B>;
-    @array[0,1,2];      # returns 'A', 'B', undef
+    @array[0,1,2];      # returns 'A', 'B', Nil
     @array[0,1,2] :p;   # returns 0 => 'A', 1 => 'B'
     @array[0,1,2] :kv;  # returns 0, 'A', 1, 'B'
     @array[0,1,2] :k;   # returns 0, 1
     @array[0,1,2] :v;   # returns 'A', 'B'
     %hash = (:a<A>, :b<B>);
-    %hash<a b c>;       # returns 'A', 'B', undef
+    %hash<a b c>;       # returns 'A', 'B', Nil
     %hash<a b c> :p;    # returns a => 'A', b => 'B'
     %hash<a b c> :kv;   # returns 'a', 'A', 'b', 'B'
     %hash<a b c> :k;    # returns 'a', 'b'

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S03-operators.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S03-operators.pod   2009-11-24 00:29:03 UTC (rev 29180)
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S03-operators.pod   2009-11-24 08:38:16 UTC (rev 29181)
@@ -1569,8 +1569,8 @@
 explicitly if there is an explicit signature, or pull them out of C<%_>
 rather than C<@_> if there is no explicit signature.
-[It's likely this operator will be removed from the core Perl 6 language
-and only supplied by the translator as a macro, so don't write any new
+[This operator will not actually be supplied by the core Perl 6 language
+but only by the translator as a macro, so don't write any new
 code with it.]
 =item *
@@ -3282,7 +3282,7 @@
     ======    =====     =====================   ===================
     Any       Callable:($)  item sub truth          X($_)
     Any       Callable:()   simple closure truth    X() (ignoring $_)
-    Any       undef     undefined               not .defined
+    Any       !.defined     undefined               not .defined
     Any       *         block signature match   block successfully binds to |$_
     Any       .foo      method truth            ?X       i.e. ?.foo
     Any       .foo(...) method truth            ?X       i.e. ?.foo(...)
@@ -4096,7 +4096,7 @@
     [//]()      # Any
     [min]()     # +Inf
     [max]()     # -Inf
-    [=]()       # undef    (same for all assignment operators)
+    [=]()       # Nil    (same for all assignment operators)
     [,]()       # []
     [Z]()       # []

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S04-control.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S04-control.pod     2009-11-24 00:29:03 UTC (rev 29180)
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S04-control.pod     2009-11-24 08:38:16 UTC (rev 29181)
@@ -1101,7 +1101,7 @@
 =head1 Exceptions
-As in Perl 5, many built-in functions simply return C<undef> when you
+As in Perl 5, many built-in functions simply return an undefined value when you
 ask for a value out of range, or the function fails somehow.  Perl 6
 has C<Failure> objects, any of which refers to an unthrown C<Exception>
 object in C<$!> and knows whether it has been handled or not.  C<$!>
@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@
 If an exception is thrown through a block without a C<CATCH> phaser, the
 C<LEAVE>, C<UNDO> and C<POST> phasers will be run at that point, with
 C<$!> set to the in-flight exception.  If there is no in-flight
-exception when these phasers are run, C<$!> will be C<undef>.  The last
+exception when these phasers are run, C<$!> will be C<Nil>.  The last
 exception caught in the outer block is available as C<< OUTER::<$!> >>,
 as usual. 
@@ -1533,7 +1533,7 @@
 and not care about whether the function is being called in item or list
 context.  To return an explicit scalar undef, you can always say
-    return undef;
+    return Object;
 Then in list context, you're returning a list of length 1, which is
 defined (much like in Perl 5).  But generally you should be using

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S06-routines.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S06-routines.pod    2009-11-24 00:29:03 UTC (rev 29180)
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S06-routines.pod    2009-11-24 08:38:16 UTC (rev 29181)
@@ -812,7 +812,7 @@
 Default values for optional named parameters are defined in the same
 way as for positional parameters, but may depend only on existing
 values, including the values of parameters that have already been
-bound.  Named optional parameters default to C<undef> if they have
+bound.  Named optional parameters default to C<Nil> if they have
 no default.  Named required parameters fail unless an argument pair
 of that name is supplied.

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S10-packages.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S10-packages.pod    2009-11-24 00:29:03 UTC (rev 29180)
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S10-packages.pod    2009-11-24 08:38:16 UTC (rev 29181)
@@ -195,9 +195,9 @@
 The C<CANDO> is expected to return an inner container object of
 the proper sort (i.e. a variable, subroutine, or method object),
-or a proxy object that can "autovivify" lazily, or C<undef> if that
+or a proxy object that can "autovivify" lazily, or C<Nil> if that
 name is not to be considered declared in the namespace in question.
-(Only bare C<undef> is interpreted as "not there", since typed undefs
+(Only bare C<Nil> is interpreted as "not there", since typed undefs
 may function as autovivifiable proxy objects.  See S12.)
 The declaration merely defines the interface to the new object.  That object

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S12-objects.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S12-objects.pod     2009-11-24 00:29:03 UTC (rev 29180)
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S12-objects.pod     2009-11-24 08:38:16 UTC (rev 29181)
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@
 that call some number of methods with the same name:
     $object.meth(@args)   # calls one method or dies
-    $object.?meth(@args)  # calls method if there is one, otherwise undef
+    $object.?meth(@args)  # calls method if there is one, otherwise Nil
     $object.*meth(@args)  # calls all methods (0 or more)
     $object.+meth(@args)  # calls all methods (1 or more)

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S17-concurrency.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S17-concurrency.pod 2009-11-24 00:29:03 UTC (rev 29180)
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S17-concurrency.pod 2009-11-24 08:38:16 UTC (rev 29181)
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
  Term   Default action is to terminate the process.
- Ign    Default action is to ignore the signal ($signal.exception is undef by 
+ Ign    Default action is to ignore the signal ($signal.exception is undefined 
by default)
  Core   Default action is to terminate the process and dump core (see core(5)).
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
 See L<S04-control> for details on how to handle exceptions.
 XXX I'm unsure how the actions in the table above can be made to make sense.  
The Ign
-actions are already dealt with because %SIG{CHLD}.exception already defaults 
to undef.
+actions are already dealt with because %SIG{CHLD}.exception already defaults 
to undefined.
 The Term action will probably be self-solving (ie. will terminate the 
process).  The
 others I'm just plain unsure about.  XXX
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@
 suspended (not diff from block on wakeup signal)
 waiting on a handle, a condition, a lock, et cetera
 otherwise returns false for running threads
-if it's finished then it's undef(?)
+if it's finished then it's Nil
 =item current_continuation
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@
 survives parent thread demise (promoted to process)
 process-local changes no longer affects parent
 tentatively, the control methods still applies to it
-including wait (which will always return undef)
+including wait (which will always return Nil)
 also needs to discard any atomicity context
 =item "is throttled" trait

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/Basics.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/Basics.pod      2009-11-24 00:29:03 UTC 
(rev 29180)
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/Basics.pod      2009-11-24 08:38:16 UTC 
(rev 29181)
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
   our Bool multi method defined ( $self: ::role ) is export
 C<defined> returns true if the parameter has a value and that value is
-not the undefined value (per C<undef>), otherwise false is returned.
+considered defined by its type, otherwise false is returned.
 Same as Perl 5, only takes extra optional argument to ask if value is defined
 with respect to a particular role:
@@ -235,23 +235,6 @@
-=item undef
-  constant Scalar Scalar::undef
-Returns the undefined scalar object. C<undef> has no value at
-all, but for historical compatibility, it will numify to C<0>
-and stringify to the empty string, potentially generating a
-warning in doing so. There are two ways to determine if a
-value equal to undef: the C<defined> function (or method) can
-be called or the C<//> (or C<orelse>) operator can be used.
-C<undef> is also considered to be false in a boolean context.
-Such a conversion does not generate a warning.
-Perl 5's unary C<undef> function is renamed C<undefine> to avoid
-confusion with the value C<undef> (which is always 0-ary now).
 =item VAR
 This is not really a method, but some kind of macro.  See L<S12> for details.

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/IO.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/IO.pod  2009-11-24 00:29:03 UTC (rev 
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/IO.pod  2009-11-24 08:38:16 UTC (rev 
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
 Returns true if it's the end of the input (i.e. end of file or whatever), 
returns false if
-not, returns undef if we can't say for certain.
+not, fails if we can't say for certain.
 =item method seek(Int $position --> Bool)
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
 as a terminator if set to the null string.
 (An empty line cannot contain any spaces or tabs.)
 You may set it to a multi-character string to match a multi-character
-terminator, or to undef to read through the end of file.
+terminator, or to Nil to read through the end of file.
 Setting it to "\n\n" means something slightly different
 than setting to "", if the file contains consecutive empty lines.
 Setting to "" will treat two or more consecutive empty lines
@@ -1334,7 +1334,7 @@
 Changed to C<.path>, but we haven't gotten around to specifying this on all of 
 The C<.name> method returns the name of the file/socket/uri the handle
-was opened with, if known.  Returns undef otherwise.  There is no
+was opened with, if known.  Returns Nil otherwise.  There is no
 corresponding C<name()> function.
 =item pipe

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/Str.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/Str.pod 2009-11-24 00:29:03 UTC (rev 
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/Str.pod 2009-11-24 08:38:16 UTC (rev 
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
 is found, then the C<StrPos> represents the position of the first
 character of the substring. If the substring is not found, a bare
 C<StrPos> containing no position is returned.  This prototype C<StrPos>
-evaluates to false because it's really a kind of undef.  Do not evaluate
+evaluates to false because it's really a kind of undefined value.  Do not 
 as a number, because instead of returning -1 it will return 0 and issue
 a warning.

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