On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 3:34 PM, Moritz Lenz <mor...@faui2k3.org> wrote:

> Aaron Sherman wrote:

> > I had a hard time even getting basic code working like:
> >
> >   token foo { blah }
> >   if "blah" ~~ m/<foo>/ { say "blah!" }
> >
> > (See my question to the list, last week)
> Right. What works today is
> grammar Foo {
>   token TOP { <foo> }
>   token foo { blah }
> }
> if Foo.parse('blah') {
>   say "yes"
> }

I will do this. Thanks.

>> * Don't inherit from roles, implement them with 'does'
> >>
> >
> > I did that, didn't I? Did I typo something?
> >
> >    grammar URI::rfc2396 does URI::Grammarish ...
> >
> and
> grammarb URI::rfc3986_regex is URI::Grammarish
> that's what I meant

That's a double typo (grammarb and "is"). I'll fix that in the version I put
up after this discussion.

it's called #perl6, and is our IRC channel :-)
> Writing down such volatile information isn't very useful, because it
> becomes outdated rather quickly.

I used to be active in #perl6. I'll try to jump back in.

I'm noting the rest of what you said and moving forward with the changes. It
all sounds much more reasonable than I feared it would be.

Aaron Sherman
Email or GTalk: a...@ajs.com

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