
On Saturday, 31. July 2010 18:56:47 David Green wrote:
> On 2010-07-31, at 1:33 am, Moritz Lenz wrote:
> > sub test() { True };
> > given 0 { when test() { say "OH NOEZ" } }
> > I don't think it's unreasonable to expect the output to be "OH NOEZ".

How does this relate the given to the when? If I get you right the
given is completely ignored and the truth of test() gives "OH NOEZ".
I think the given must determine the result.

> It's not unreasonable, especially if that's what you expect.  But it's even
> more reasonable to expect this to work: given $something {
>               when True { say "That's the truth!" }
>               when 42 { say "Good answer!" }
>               when "viaduct" { say "You guessed the secret word!" }
>       }

Here I expect the $something to *select* one of the alternatives.
It can't be that a literal True ignores the given and just executes
the block.

> In both these examples, the intent is fairly clear from the context.  It's
> easier to forget that Bools behave differently from other types when you
> only have some variable that could be any type: if $guess ~~ $answer { say
> "Correct!" }  # hope your question wasn't T/F!
> Maybe we can't please everyone, but we can at least try not to displease
> anyone.  Perl is awfully clever at keeping your eaten ponies, and there is
> a way we can have both the "helpful" syntax and the "consistent" one:
>       given $who-knows-what {
>               when True { say "It's a true thing!" }
>               when 42 { say "It's numbery!" }
>               whenever timeout() { say "Who cares what you say, time's up!" }
>               whenever $override { say "Whatever, switching to automatic 
> override" }
>       }

Am I getting your intention to be that when honors the given and whenever just
checks truth? Couldn't we use if for this? That would avoid the new keyword.

Regards, TSa.
"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare
"Simplicity does not precede complexity, but follows it." -- A.J. Perlis
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