[In response to a comment on perl6-compiler, in the thread
"[perl #85746] spec/S29-context/sleep.t is way too relax"]

On Wed, Mar 09, 2011 at 12:31:34PM -0600, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> While researching this ticket, I notice that S29 has a C<sleep> 
> function defined (line 246); this seems to be in contradicition 
> with S03 which defines a prefix:<sleep> operator.  This 
> contradiction likely needs resolving.

This is a more general problem: the distinction between prefix ops
and functions is not well defined.  For instance, 'defined 1 && 0'
is parsed as defined(1) && 0 by Rakudo, but as defined(1 && 0) by
STD and derivatives.

Who has the authority to make changes to the spec like this, that
would invalidate existing programs for the sake of a perceived
improvement?  I would change this, and a few other things, but feel
I lack this authority.  I wonder what the correct process is.


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