On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 10:21:19AM +0200, Moritz Lenz wrote: > > Question to the Parrot developers: How could I implement DESTROY methods > in Rakudo? Is there any vtable I can override, or so? Note that such a > method might itself allocate new GCables. While not urgent, it's > important for us in the long run.
A possibly related (and more relevant) question for Parrot devs: is there any reason that FileHandle PMCs do not automatically flush + close on destruction? pmichaud@kiwi:~/nom$ cat fh.pir .sub 'main' :main $P0 = new ['FileHandle'] $P1 = $P0.'open'('test.txt', 'w') $P1.'print'("Hello\n") .end pmichaud@kiwi:~/nom$ install/bin/parrot fh.pir pmichaud@kiwi:~/nom$ cat test.txt pmichaud@kiwi:~/nom$ ls -l test.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 pmichaud pmichaud 0 2011-07-17 09:57 test.txt Pm