> But by using the term ‘variable’, which is ambiguous, you are not
> answering my question! :-)

Sorry. I tend to think of *every* variable name as merely being
an alias for some underlying storage mechanism. ;-)

> Does
>     my $x;
>     for 1..10 -> $x {}
> cause the existing name $x to refer temporarily to each of the numbers,
> or is a new $x name created?

A new one is created (each time through the loop).

> What does this do?
>     my $x;
>     my sub f { say $x }
>     for 1..10 -> $x { f(); }

It prints 'Any()' ten times (i.e. the equivalent of printing ten Perl 5 undefs).

The two $x's definitely exist at the same time during the loop.
For example, this:

    my $x = 'outer x';
    my sub f { say $x }

    for 1..10 -> $x {
        print $x, ": ";


    1: outer x
    2: outer x
    3: outer x
    4: outer x
    5: outer x
    6: outer x
    7: outer x
    8: outer x
    9: outer x
    10: outer x


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