Basically, never mix error-state and return-value.
Rather use a different channel/dimension for each.

And any value itself can have special state too, like "absence" and (via its type) "has-default".

On that docs-page, my stomach protested against the Nil/default pairing. Now I need to think through why it (grumbled that it) is wrong. (or not wrong: for performance reasons, it is good to support values that can never be undefined)

-- Ruud

On 2020-12-28 22:35, yary wrote:
Allowing Failure as a return always makes sense to me– every block needs to be capable of passing along a failure, that's how the language is designed.

On the other hand, Nil is not a Failure. Conceptually it is a lack of an answer, similar to SQL's null concept.

What's the usefulness of having Nil skip return type checking- specifically Nil and not its Failure descendents?

This example under <> shows what I think is a less-than-awesome specification, and I am curious about the reasoning behind it being defined as valid

    suba( -->Int:D ) { return Nil }

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