Larry tells me he's still reading the RFCs, and so won't be able to
make many conclusive pronouncements in his talk.  He will, however, be
detailing the process by which he's making decisions and some of his
thoughts on the possible directions it could go.

I'll make sure his talk is available for all to read once it's given.
Our PR efforts to massively distribute the text of his talk are on
hold, given that the odds are against him having many earth-shattering
revelations to make.

Next week I'll ask him for a revised guess at a date for the draft.

Consider the delay to be good news:
 - he's reading every word of every RFC (poor, poor man)
 - some of the RFCs must be worth mulling over

Basically, the surprisingly large number of RFCs is turning into a
surprisingly large reading time.  No surprise there :-)


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