I just finished updating the Perl Recommended Reading list. Have a look: 

Things to Note:
1. Added Nathan's books to the list (thanks Nat)
2. Added a link to the Perl6 Mailinglists Archive  (as suggested by Ask)
3. Added a 'why??' link to each book that contains a reason/comments of
why the book was recommended.
   Up to this point all books suggested have been added (the majority of
them, if i happened to have 
   missed one, please refresh my memory or point me to a previous post?)
   Alot of the books have been suggested, with out any specific details
of why it belongs here, which
   is why you might notice many 'no comments' under this section. (as
suggested by Dan Sugalski)
4. Added a Caterogies feature. Yes there's only three ;) I did a brief
run-through of each book and
   placed them into one of the three categories. (as suggested by Dan

Comments/Suggestions welcomed...



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