On Sun, 17 Dec 2000, Simon Cozens wrote:

> This is the fourth time I've sent this mail to perl6-internals-api-parser,

I've seen it on the list at least twice.

> but it doesn't seem to be arriving. None of my other mail is affected, and
> perl5-porters is, for once, behaving itself; why this list in particular? 

Send me the log snippets from your mailserver successfully
delivering the mail to one of the perl.org mx'es and I can look
after it.

If it was before the weekend, don't bother though. The 70MB's I have
for qmail logs rotate pretty quickly.

So maybe this is better: Next time you think it happens, send me a
mail right away and I can look into it.

(perl.org haven't ever dropped mail since I started taking care of
it as far as I know. Are you sure that you'll receive bounces, your
envelope sender is often changing).

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