Matt Todd wrote:
> On the architecture note, I've written up a quick article about a
> possible implementation of the MVC pattern for the wiki. Indeed,
> a very flexible implementation and really resembles a framework. (To
> be honest, it's from my work on my PHP framework.)
> Please take a moment to look through it and let me know what you
> think. It's not meant to be anything other than a starting point, if
> for nothing else then for discussion.
> Again, let me know what you think.

Well, first of all, thanks.

1) s|//|#|  # More generally, Perl 6 look and feel. :-)

2) (General comment for all discussions.) It would be nice if any
proposal included a clear separation between the long term vision and
the *minimal* subset needed to get started *now*, as noted elsewhere:

3) (Quoting from above link): "I propose that the wiki be called P6 to
signify its use of Perl6." I presently prefer something like the
"Perl++ Wikicosm". Reasons: (a) easy googling (only web hit I see
today is my previous use), (b) to avoid implying a pure Perl 6
implementation, (c) I'd like this to serve the Perl 5.8/(5.9/5.10)
community as well as Perl 6, and more generally, (d) to serve as a
common crossroads for other Parrot-related language interoperability
information, among other things.

Best regards,
Conrad Schneiker (Moved from AthenaLab to Perl
6 Wiki.) (Nano-electron-beam and micro-neutron-beam

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