在 2006/7/10 上午 10:37 時,Michael Goldshteyn 寫到:

Unfortunatelly, those of us who use Perl under Windows / MSVC Compiler
cannot use v6.pm, due to the fact that it has an indirect dependency on Devel::Caller which fails to work using that compiler combination (i.e., fails all tests after a build using its makefile and Visual Studio 2003 as
the C compiler).

Indeed it is known that Devel::Caller currently fails some tests under Perl 5.8 with ithreads enabled;
its author, Richard Clamp, is looking into a solution.

For the time being, as v6.pm does not use the parts of Devel::Caller that fails the tests, a simple
"force install" should still get you a working v6-alpha.


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