在 Sep 30, 2006 6:26 PM 時,Richard Hainsworth 寫到:

role win_text {
 has $.win_mytxt1 is rw;
 has $.win_mytxt2 is rw;

role mywindow {
 has $.border is rw;
 has $.colour is rw;
 does win_text;

my $w = new mywindow;

$w.border = 2;
$w.colour = 'red';
say $w.border;
say $w.colour;

$w.win_mytxt1 = 'quick red fox';
$w.win_mytxt2 = ' jumped over the lazy dog';
say $w.win_mytxt1 ~ $.win_mytxt2;

On the last line it should be $w.win_mytxt2, not $.win_mytxt2.

At this moment only "role mywindow does win_text" works; the
statement-level "does" form was not implemented, but I should be
able to do so in the next few days.   I've sent you a Pugs commit bit;
can you check this test of yours in under t/oo/ somewhere?


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