On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 11:55:54PM +1000, Илья wrote:
> (23:24:09) ihrd: hi
> (23:24:28) ihrd: question about .kv
> (23:24:39) ihrd: rakudo: my @a = {a => 1}, {b =>2}; my %h = foo => @a;
> say %h.kv.perl;
> (23:24:41) p6eval: rakudo 33880: OUTPUT[["foo", {"a" => 1}, {"b" => 2}]␤]
> (23:24:59) ihrd: rakudo: say ({ foo => [{a=>1}, {b=>1}]}).perl;
> (23:25:02) p6eval: rakudo 33880: OUTPUT[{"foo" => [{"a" => 1}, {"b" => 1}]}␤]
> (23:25:22) ihrd: I feel result should be the same
> (23:25:29) ihrd: I miss something?

Hash assignment and .kv are still not working perfectly in Rakudo yet --
it's on my list to fix along with hash slices.  Hash slices are
a bit trickier at the moment because Rakudo's implementation of
WHENCE clauses currently depends on the existing implementation
of postcircumfix:<{ }>, so that has to be fixed first.

  • .kv Илья
    • Re: .kv Carl Mäsak
    • Re: .kv Patrick R. Michaud

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