Em Sáb, 2008-12-27 às 04:29 -0800, Ovid escreveu:
> I'm trying to replicate the following behavior in Perl 6, but can't
> figure out a "natural" way to do this (the task is filling in guessed
> letters for a hangman game):

>     while ( $word =~ /$letter/g ) {
>         $guess[ pos($word) - 1 ] = $letter;
>     }

> What would be the "canonical" Perl 6 way of doing this?  Preferably
> one which works with the current state of Rakudo :)

In Perl 6, such features are available through the match object, named
$/; The method you're looking for is $/.from.

Unfortunally, rakudo doesn't seem to support match-in-while semantics,
but follows a preview of something that does work...

  my $word = 'banana';
  my @guess = <? ? ? ? ? ?>;
  $word ~~ /a/;
  @guess[$/.from] = 'a';
  say @guess;


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