Am 18.01.2012 11:53, schrieb David Arroyo:
use v6;

This is obligatory in perl 6? What does the module do?

'use v6;' is the declaration that the following program is written in Perl 6. It has the advantage that if you accidentally run the file with a perl 5 compiler, it will give you a much better error message.

Once Perl 6 has been released in several version, you'll be able to tell exactly which Perl 6 version you want to use.

S01 also says that if if a compiler understands both Perl 5 and Perl 6, the default mode is v5, so you'll need to explicitly write 'use v6;' to enable Perl 6 semantics.

So in most cases today it's not strictly necessary to write 'use v6;', but it's usually a good idea to write it nonetheless.


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