On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 5:15 PM, Tadeusz Sośnierz
<tadeusz.sosni...@onet.pl> wrote:
> On Thursday, June 28, 2012 14:32:58 Gabor Szabo wrote:
>> In panda all the projects, where there is a source URL, are listed with
>> their git:// url except of https://github.com/perlpilot/p6-File-Temp.git
> Where is that?

in projects.json

>> I am just wondering why, and if it would not be better if that was
>> also using git://
> That's because it was added to the ecosystem with https:// rather than git://.
> Panda doesn't care, for it just uses the url to tell `git clone` where to get
> the source from.
>> Some project have no source URL:
>> - Druid
>> - GGE
>> - HTML::Template
>> - Lingua::EN::Numbers::Ordinal
>> - Perl6::Literate
>> - Tardis
>> - Test::Mock
>> - Text::CSV
>> - Yarn
> Those are using the old META.info format, which wanted repo-type and repo-url
> rather than source-url.
>> Should the URLs be added? Where?
> Should be, aye, in the modules' META.info files. See
> https://github.com/masak/druid/blob/master/META.info for example.

Is there an explanation or documentation somewhere how those files
should look like
or do people just imitate working packages?
Is there a documentation on how to add a new package to panda?
(where to update projects.json and who could should do that?)


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