My question would be: shall we install the book too, and add the book
and useful links to the start menu?

Am 11.09.2014 um 10:29 schrieb Kamil Kułaga:
> Hi,
> Install path is known limitation
> If you want custom path you
> need to compile it from source for now
> Where to begin?
> I propose to start:
> to know biggest differences
> then:
> and of course rest of
> If you want something really verbose Even
> though it is mainly targeted to compiler authors it great because is
> the most complete
> Also contains link to other resources
> I hope didn't write to much for a first time
> On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 9:07 PM, Alex Becker <> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I downloaded rakudo-star-2014.08-moar.msi.
>> When it was done, luckily, I noticed that it installed on C:\rakudo.
>> It was luck because no message indicated that install location and I found
>> it only because I checked if the installer would really put it on my small
>> OS SSD (= bad).
>> Then, I searched for the documentation. I'm sorry, I didn't find it. Where
>> is it? I expected some doc folder, a web page, or a link in the start menu
>> (I like that best).
>> Is there a "getting started" guide?
>> I want to check if some of my scripts work with Perl 6.
>> Best regards,
>> Alex

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