
using perl6 version 2014.09 built on MoarVM version 2014.09,
i wrote this code

my %posts = (ls "posts/*/index").map: {
     $_ => .IO.lines.map: {
        my %h = < date file title >
            Z .split(/<[\ \t]>+/,3);

which outputs

"posts/2014/index" => (
    {"date" => "2014-10-29T23:58:27+01:00"
    , "file" => "hacking_on_my_blog_again.md"
    , "title" => "hacking on my blog again"},
    {"date" => "2014-03-19T11:12:11+01:00"
    , "file" => "make_my_mind_up_about_a_sympa_ListDef_parser.md"
    , "title" => "make my mind up about a sympa ListDef parser"}

which is almost perfect, but i don't know how to say to perl6 something
like: I want a nested datastructure so  please don't .list.item.

I guess when i would have fixed my code, i would be able to run
something like: 

%posts.kv.map: -> $k, $v {
    say $k; 
    $v.map: .<title>.ident(4).say

any help would be appreciated. 

Marc Chantreux
"Don't believe everything you read on the Internet"
    -- Abraham Lincoln

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