Hi Tom,

> On 03 Jul 2015, at 14:07, Tom Browder <tom.brow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I originally had problems with the S32 description of string function
> index. S32 says that if the substring is not found then a bare Int is
> returned which evaluates to false, otherwise an Int with the position
> of the first substring match is returned. It goes on to say that one
> should not evaluate the result as a number.  So my question was, how
> does one practically use that information for a substring that starts
> at position zero which evaluates as false?
> Based on the S32 description, I first tried this to remove a comment
> from a data line:
>  my $str = '# a comment';
>  my $idx = $str.index('#');
>  if $index && $index >= 0 {
>    $str = $str.substr(0, $idx);
>  }
> It didn't work for a comment at position zero but it found one at any
> other position or no comment at all.  Then I tried this:
>  if $idx {
>    $str = $str.substr(0, $idx);
>  }
> Same result as the previous method: it would not report a substring at
> position zero.
> So what am I doing wrong for finding position zero substrings?

Apart from what Carl and yary said, I would like to add that *if* you’re just 
interested in knowing whether a string starts with a certain substring, you can 
use .starts-with:

my $str = ‘# a comment!’;
say “It’s a comment” if $str.starts-with(“#”);

Similarly, if you’re interested in a certain substring at the end of a string, 
you can use .ends-with:

say “Exclamated” if $str.ends-with("!”);

Finally, if you’re interested in a substring at another position in a string, 
you can use .substr-eq:

say “Comment at position 4” if $str.substr-eq(“comment”,4);

Hope this helps!


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