On 31/12/15 21:26, Tom Browder wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 9:26 AM, Sitaram Chamarty <sitar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 31/12/15 20:43, Tom Browder wrote:
>>>   https://github.com/rakudo/star/raw/master/docs/2015-spw-perl6-course.pdf
> ...
>>> Does anyone know what slide-making process he uses?
> ...
>> Looks like Beamer (latex+beamer).
>> An easy step to beamer is to use pandoc, which is what I use when I need
>> to make a presentation.  Though it's not as flexible as writing latex
>> directly, it's pretty decent because with pandoc, your input is just
>> markdown.  Much (much!) easier on the fingers and on the eyes :)
> Great info, Sitaram, thanks so much!
> ...Oops, I see several paths leading there.  Any hints on your work flow?

The basic stuff is fairly simple, and the pandoc site has decent help.
It's basically markdown, except a simple (non-standard-markdown) syntax
for the title and the author.  Then you run a command like `pandoc -i
foo.mkd -o foo.pdf -t beamer -V theme:Darmstadt [...]`.

Note that pandoc can't do things like vertical split slides, etc.
(AFAIK), and I've never really tried to figure out how to change the
colors, fonts, etc., either.

The nice thing about pandoc is that it can write several different
formats; see [1] for an example that uses the "HTML Slidy" format.  (The
pictures are done by graphviz, not pandoc, as you will probably guess
when you see it.)

[1]: http://gitolite.com/gcs.html

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