I have been searching on how to sort multidimensional arrays. The following code works and sorts the fourth column of the array:

#!/usr/bin/env perl6
# sort multidimensional array
my @opposite = (
        <8976 ABD AB11 6LX NJ >,
        <8860 PLN AB12 4JS NO >,
        <8905 DYC AB21 7EQ NJ >,
        <8964 STN AB39 2NE NO >,

for @opposite -> $line { say $line; }
say "-" x 22;
@opposite = @opposite.sort({@$^a[3]});

for @opposite -> $line { say $line; }

I have adapted this from: http://www.wellho.net/resources/ex.php?item=p600/mapper

I wanted to ask about the syntax, buy I have understood it while writing the message ;) :D
Leve the code just in case is useful for somebody else.


(≧∇≦) Mimosinnet (Linux User: #463211)

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