
On 06.12.2016 00:49, CARAYOL Jean-Pierre wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't understand why the 2 following Perl6 programs give a different
> result when running.
> If someone could give me an explanation, it will help me a lot. Many thanks.
> /(Note the 2 programs run on Linux and the Linux environment variable
> $toto is set to "totoenv". ( export toto=totenv )/
> _Program1 :_
> /cattest051.pl6/_
> _
> #!/opt/rakudo-star-2016.10/bin/perl6
> use v6;
> grammar TEST {
> rule  TOP     { :i \s*  <varenv>  }
>     token varenv {'$'<mot> }
>     token mot     { <[a..z A..Z 0..9 =\-_!~'():@&+$,\']>+ }
> }
> class ActionsTest {
>     method TOP ($/) { $/.make( ~%*ENV{$<varenv><mot>}); }
> }
> my $actions = ActionsTest.new;
> my $script = "\$toto" ;
> my $scr = TEST.parse($script,:$actions);
> say $scr;
> say $scr.made;
> ===>./test051.pl6
> 「$toto」
>  varenv => 「$toto」
>   mot => 「toto」
> *totoenv*
> ----------------
> This programs runs fine and displayed the value for the toto environment
> variable.
> _Program2:_
> __cat test052.pl6
> grammar TEST {
> rule  TOP     { :i \s*  <varenv>  }
>     token varenv {'$'<mot> }
>     token mot     { <[a..z A..Z 0..9 =\-_!~'():@&+$,\']>+ }
> }
> class ActionsTest {
>     method varenv ($/) { $/.make( %*ENV{$<varenv><mot>}); }
>     method TOP ($/) { $/.make( ~$/); }

$/.make stores the result in $/.made, so the second line should be

        method TOP($/) { $/.make($<mot>.made) }


> }
> my $actions = ActionsTest.new;
> my $script = "\$toto" ;
> my $scr = TEST.parse($script,:$actions);
> say $scr;
> say $scr.made;
> ===>
> Use of Nil in string context
>   in method varenv at ./test052.pl6 line 14
> 「$toto」
>  varenv => 「$toto」
>   mot => 「toto」
> $toto
> ----------------
> This program displays an error message and doesn't find the value of
> toto environment variable.
> The only difference between the 2 programs is instruction "make(
> %*ENV{$<varenv><mot>}" is part of the TOP method in the program 1 and
> part of the varenv method in program 2.
> I'm certainly missing something but I don't understand why program 2
> doesn't work. I'm very interested to get explanations for that. It will
> help me to understand how to modify and AST using Perl6.
> Thanks a lot for your help.
> Best regards,
> Jean-Pierre 

Moritz Lenz
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