On Wednesday, March 01, 2017 01:01 PM, Todd Chester wrote:
Hi All,

And it even gets more interesting.

It even works with Associative Arrays (Hashes), which I adore!

Interesting how associative arrays don't print in order that they
were entered into the array.


my @x = ( "a", "b", "c", "d" );

print "loop of \@x\n";
for @x.kv -> $index, $value {
   print "     Line no. <" ~ ($index + 1) ~
   "> has an index of <$index> and a value of <$value>\n"; }
print "\n";

my %y = ( 'aa'=>"AA", 'bb'=> "BB", 'cc'=>"CC", 'dd'=>"DD" );

print "loop of \%y\n";
for %y.kv -> $key, $value {
   print "     \%y has an key of <$key> and a value of <$value>\n"; }
print "\n";

loop of @x
     Line no. <1> has an index of <0> and a value of <a>
     Line no. <2> has an index of <1> and a value of <b>
     Line no. <3> has an index of <2> and a value of <c>
     Line no. <4> has an index of <3> and a value of <d>

loop of %y
     %y has an key of <cc> and a value of <CC>
     %y has an key of <dd> and a value of <DD>
     %y has an key of <bb> and a value of <BB>
     %y has an key of <aa> and a value of <AA>

On 02/28/2017 09:27 PM, Richard Hainsworth wrote:
> Instead of
> my %y = ( 'aa'=>"AA", 'bb'=> "BB", 'cc'=>"CC", 'dd'=>"DD" );
> in the code below,
> I find the following useful for filling an associative array (when
> testing and I dont care about the contents)
> my %y = <aa bb cc dd> Z=> 'AA'..*;
> #{aa => AA, bb => AB, cc => AC, dd => AD}
> But if the contents matter, how about,
> my %y = <aa bb cc dd> Z=> <AA BB CC DD>;
> #{aa => AA, bb => BB, cc => CC, dd => DD}
> The 'Z' is the zip operator, the '=>' links a key to its value.
> The ..* uses the power of perl6 to generate sequences from an initial
> member.
> Richard

Hi Richard,

I don't understand how the zipper works or
why I'd want to use it.

my %Location = ( 'City'=>"Carson City",
                 'Country'=>"USA" );  # just made up place

Make sense to me and is easily maintainable.
I do not get where the zipper comes in?  Or
how it would make things easier to read?

By chance is the idea that you don't have to the assign the
values at the same time you assign the keys?

There is extra time spent on writing the way I did it, but
I don't care.  I know how to type (high school typing) and
my main goal it to make the code maintainable. (This is why I
use Top Down as well.)  I can type almost as fast as I think.

I am confused,

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