Yeah, junctions are super useful, but not very fast.

compare these two pieces of code:

    so "hello how are you today?".contains("hello" & "u t") for ^1_000_000


    my $target = "hello how are you today?"; so
$target.contains("hello") && $target.contains("u t") for ^1_000_000

On my machine i get 25.7s for the first one and 1.5s for the second one.

On 27/03/17 19:10, ToddAndMargo wrote:
> Hi All,
> When I do a
>      if $x.contains( $y & "abc" )
> Am I reintroducing a "regex" and losing the performance
> gained by avoiding a regex?   Doesn't look like
> it to me, but I thought I'd better double check.
> Many thanks,
> -T

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