On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 11:30 PM, ToddAndMargo <toddandma...@zoho.com> wrote:
Hi All,

I have a test code in progress and I haven't figured out
how to get 'next' to work the way I want.

     next if $Line.contains( "TASK type" );

works, but

     if $Line.contains( "TASK type" ) {

does not.

What am I missing?

Many thanks,
yes I know I still have some things to fix on it.

#!/usr/bin/env perl6

use strict;

my @Data = '<TASK type="D">Mission D',
            '   <NAME type="P">Sol Wheat</NAME>',
            '   <NAME type="P">Ted Moon</NAME>',
# for @Data -> $Line { say "$Line"; }

for @Data -> $Line {
    # next if $Line.contains( "TASK type" );
    if $Line.contains( "TASK type" ) {
       my $Name = $Line;
       if $Name.contains( "NAME type" ) {
          $Name ~~ s/.*?\>//;
          $Name ~~ s/\<.*//;
          say $Name;


On 05/23/2017 09:39 PM, Brad Gilbert wrote:
> You do realize that `next` immediately stops the current iteration and
> goes onto the *next* one right?
> That is, there is no point putting any code after it because it will
> never be run.

That is what I want.  If the current $line has "Task type" in
it, I want to jump to the next line in the array.  What am
I missing?

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