
I'm trying to encapsulate a C struct, one member of which is an array of
pointers to structs, and I'm having some problems to figure out how to do

I tried to follow the hint in the documentation

use NativeCall;

class A is repr('CStruct') {
  has uint8 $.u8;

class B is repr('CStruct') {
  has CArray[A] $.a;
  submethod TWEAK {
    my $arr := CArray[A].new;
    for ^5 { $arr[$_] = A.new(u8 => $_) }
    $!a := $arr;

sub MAIN
  my B $b .= new;
  say $b.a[2];
  say 'Size of $b: ' ~ nativesizeof($b);

but this way the resulting size is of one pointer, 8 bytes (on my
computer), while what I'm trying to get is a size of 5 pointers, 40 bytes.

Obviously I can do this:

use NativeCall;

class A is repr('CStruct') {
  has uint8 $.u8;

class C is repr('CStruct') {
  has A $.a1;
  has A $.a2;
  has A $.a3;
  has A $.a4;
  has A $.a5;

sub MAIN
  my C $c .= new;
  say nativesizeof($c);

which returns the size I need. Yet this solution hurts my feelings :-)

Is there any other way to do it, without resorting to this:


(Which is presented as "enough rope to -hang yourself- *build a workaround*

Fernando Santagata

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