On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 7:21 AM, Gabor Szabo <szab...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> my $p = run "ls", "dadsad", :out, :err;
> Proc.new(in => IO::Pipe, out => IO::Pipe.new(:path(""),:chomp), err =>
> IO::Pipe.new(:path(""),:chomp), exitcode => 0, signal => 0, command =>
> ["ls", "dadsad", "adadsa"])
>> $p.exitcode
> 0
> While for the same command in the shell   $? will hold 1 as the
> directory does not exist.
> Is this a bug or am I misunderstanding something?
> This is Rakudo version 2017.04.3 built on MoarVM version 2017.04-53-g66c6dda
> implementing Perl 6.c.
> Running on OSX.
> Gabor

On the other hand if I try to access the captured output or error, an
exception is raised:

> $p.out.slurp: :close;
The spawned command 'ls' exited unsuccessfully (exit code: 1)
  in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1\

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