I'm not expert in curl, nor even http client coding, so I just checked the  
curl(1) man page on my system, it says:

-L, --location
              (HTTP) If the server reports that the
              requested page has moved to a different
              location (indicated with a Location:
              header and a 3XX response code), this
              option will make curl redo the request on
              the new place. If used together with -i,
              --include or -I, --head, headers from all
              requested pages will be shown. When
              authentication is used, curl only sends
              its credentials to the initial host. If a
              redirect takes curl to a different host,
              it won't be able to intercept the
              user+password. See also --location-
              trusted on how to change this. You can
              limit the amount of redirects to follow
              by using the --max-redirs option.

If this hasn't already been done in perl6 natively, it might be nicest to just 
invoke curl.

It depends on your goal. If you want to expand the perl6 ecosystem, that'd be 
great. But if you just want to get the job done, there are advantages to just 
invoking curl; web standards evolve really fast, and curl is pretty actively 
maintained as far as I know (it's been a little while since I was actively 
tracking curl development).

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