On 09/13/2017 04:56 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:
Hi All,

I am trying to convert this from Perl 5:

     my $WhoCalledMe = ( caller(0) )[1];

I use it inside a sub to determine who called the sub.

How is this done in P6?

Many thanks,

Follow up:

With a lot of help from the chat line, it transpires that
there is no easy way to do this.

The correct method is indeed
    my $WhoCalledMe = ( caller(0) )[1];
but it is not yet implemented. See bug:


This was the closest I could get:

$ perl6 -e 'sub x{say "x was called by: $(callframe(1).code.name)"}; sub y{x; say "y was called by: $(callframe(1).code.name)" }; y;'

x was called by: y
y was called by: <unit>


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