On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 1:49 AM, ToddAndMargo <toddandma...@zoho.com <mailto:toddandma...@zoho.com>> wrote:

    Hi All,

    I am stumped.  This only screws up in the for loop.

    This is only the chopped up version

    #!/usr/bin/env perl6

    my $SmtpIniFileName = $?FILE ~ ".ini";
    my %SmtpIni = [ 'DebugTrace' => "",      #   1 | 0  (-vvv)
                     'smtp'       => "",      # smtp.zoho.com
                     'port'       => "",      #   465 (ssl), 587 (tls),
    25, 80, 3535 etc.
                     'username'   => "",      #   Typically the sender's
    eMail address, but not always.
                                              #   Blank will default
    tothe sender's eMail address;
                     'password'   => "",      #   User's ($username)
                     'from'       => "",      #   The sender's eMail
                     'to'         => @[""],   #   qw [ la...@zoho.com
    <mailto:la...@zoho.com> cur...@gmail.com <mailto:cur...@gmail.com>
    ];   # This is an array, not a string; delimit with a space
                     'Subject'    => "",      #   Subject of the eMail
                     'Text'       => "",      #   Body (verbage) of the
                     'FileName'   => @[""] ]; #   attachment path and
    name. Leave blank for no attachment

sub PrintRed ( $Str ) { print color('bold'), color('red'), "$Str", color('reset'); }
    sub PrintGreen  ( $Str ) { print color('bold'), color('green'),
    "$Str", color('reset'); }
sub PrintBlue ( $Str ) { print color('bold'), color('blue'), "$Str", color('reset'); }
    sub PrintRedErr ( $Str ) { $*ERR.print: color('bold'), color('red'),
    "$Str", color('reset'); }

    sub CreateSmtpIni () {
             my $SmtpHandle = open( $SmtpIniFileName, :rw );  #
    Read/write, create if does not exist
             chmod 0o400, $SmtpIniFileName;                   #
    Read//write to root only
             RunNoShell ( "chown root.root $SmtpIniFileName" );

             $SmtpHandle.print( "# SmtpIni file for for $IAm\n" );
             $SmtpHandle.print( "#    This file must be owned by
    root.root and have a permission of 400\n" );
             $SmtpHandle.print( "#    Do not use a space after the =
    sign.  \n" );
             $SmtpHandle.print( "#\n" );

             for %SmtpIni.kv -> $key, $value {
                     PrintGreen ( "key = <$key>  value =<$value>\n" );
                if    ( $key eq "to" )       { $SmtpHandle.print( "$key=
    #delimiter is a comma\n" ); }
            elsif ( $key eq "FileName" ) { $SmtpHandle.print( "$key=
    #delimiter is a comma\n" ); }
            else { $SmtpHandle.print( "$key=\n" ); }
         close ( $SmtpHandle ); }

             PrintRedErr ( "$SmtpIniFileName was not found.  Recreating
    a blank template.\n" );
PrintRedErr ( "Please edit this template and try again. Cowardly existing. Bummer dude.\n\n" );
         exit 2;



    # CheckRaid.pl6
    key = <Subject>  value =<>
    key = <port>  value =<>
    write bytes requires an object with REPR MVMOSHandle (got VMNull
    with REPR Null)
       in sub CreateSmtpIni at ./CheckRaid.pl6 line 52
       in sub GetSmtpIni at ./CheckRaid.pl6 line 62
       in block <unit> at ./CheckRaid.pl6 line 143

    Line 52 is
         else { $SmtpHandle.print( "$key=\n" ); }

    # cat CheckRaid.pl6.ini
    # SmtpIni file for for CheckRaid.pl6
    #    This file must be owned by root.root and have a permission of 400
    #    Do not use a space after the = sign.

On 09/29/2017 11:59 AM, Andy Bach wrote:
     close ( $SmtpHandle ); }

Your indenting has done you wrong - you close the file handle inside the loop for loop, so it closed after the first print.

Hi Andy,

AH POOP!  I was closing the handle after each iteration of the loop.
I must have stared at that 1000 times.  I move the close outside
the loop and happy camping returned.

Great catch.  Thank you for the second pair of eyes!


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