Hi there,

I need your help. I've been playing around with the code example from IO::Socket::Async::SSL and I am to stupid to get a propper error handling to work.

use v6;
use IO::Socket::Async::SSL;

react {
    my %ssl-config =
        certificate-file => 'cert.pem',
        private-key-file => 'key.pem';

    QUIT { say "this is quit outside whenever", $_.backtrace.full  }
    CATCH { say "this is catch outside whenever", $_.backtrace.full  }

    whenever IO::Socket::Async::SSL.listen('localhost', 4433, |%ssl-config) -> $conn {
        my $req = '';

        QUIT { say "this is quit inside whenever", $_.backtrace.full }
        CATCH { say "this is catch inside whenever", $_.backtrace.full }

        whenever $conn {
            $req ~= $_;
            if $req.contains("\r\n\r\n") {
                say $req.lines[0];
                try await $conn.print(
                    "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n" ~
                    "<strong>Hello from a Perl 6 HTTP server</strong>\n");

what I am looking for is an example that dosen't shut down the server, or leaves the react block, for incomming http traffic or for ssl negotiation errors that might happen.



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