El lun., 30 abr. 2018 a las 9:46, ToddAndMargo (<toddandma...@zoho.com <mailto:toddandma...@zoho.com>>) escribió:

    On 04/30/2018 12:04 AM, JJ Merelo wrote:
     > Check out the docs.perl6.org <http://docs.perl6.org>
    <http://docs.perl6.org> page... And no, we
     > don't.

    Love the docs.  Not always really helpful though.

On 04/30/2018 01:10 AM, JJ Merelo wrote:
> When they are not, please raise an issue. We'll try to solve it ASAP.

Hi JJ,

It is mainly the way the functions are written up.  They give theory
and then a few bad examples.

For instance:

multi sub split( Str:D $delimiter, Str(Cool) $input, $limit = Inf, :$k, :$v, :$kv, :$p, :$skip-empty)

which is theory and means absolutely nothing to me.
Please don't try to explain it either.  I won't remember
ten minutes after you tell me.  Maybe if I have been writing
for five years in Perl, it would be different.

And for the examples:

    say split(/<[;,]>/, "a;b;c,d").perl;

Without an explanation, it means, again, nothing.  What
the heck is ".perl" and what in the world is "/<[;,]>/?
Again, please do not try to explain.

And real fun search for "perl" in the docs.
You only get about 325,732 hots.  (This is why
I asked about odd and even.)

So, the main issue I have with the docs is that they
"seem" to be written as a refresher for an advanced use
and not as a trainer for a newbie.

What I have been doing is 1) do the the docs, 2) write
up a `perl -e` to see if I can get it to work, 3) if not,
get on the chat line, give the url I looked at and my
one liner.  After I get it all figured out, I write myself
a keeper explaining how it works.

Just an aside, the guys on the chat line are "extraordinary"


p.s. I have reported bugs in the docs before.

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