character classes are fundamentally the wrong thing for "phrases", since
they describe only a character.

Your current regex (before changing [gm] to ["gm"]) was expressing "from
the start of the string, there's any amount of characters d through z
(but neither g nor m) and then the end of the string", which can be more
easily expressed as "the whole string contains only letters d through z
(but neither g nor m)".

What you apparently want is "the whole string contains only letters d
through z, but never the phrase 'gm'", which - in order to get to a
working regex - we can rephrase as "the whole string contains only
letters d through z and no occurrence of g is followed by an m". Let's
turn that into a regex:

    /^     # Require the match to start at the beginning of the
           # string so nothing can sneak in before that.
    [      # Everything in this group will be matched a bunch
           # of times.
    |  <[d..z]-[g]>  # either anything between d and z, with no
                     # further restrictions, except for g.
    |  g <!before m> # If there's a g, it must not be followed
                     # by an m.
    ]*     # end of the group, allow the things in the group to
           # occur any amount of times.
    $/     # Require the match to end at the end of the string,
           # so nothing at the end can sneak in.

Important things to note here:

  * <!before m> (spoken as "do not match before an m") will be fine with
    occurrences at the end of the string, too.
  * we don't remove the m from the character class any more, we only
    keep the g in there, because m can be in the string without
    restrictions; if there is an m after a g, our regex will already
    have failed before it even reaches the m, and all other cases are
    fine (like dm or fm or hm).
  * you are allowed to put a | not only between things, but also at the
    very front. This is allowed in the syntax so that you can line
    things up vertically like I did. Think of it as similar to allowing
    a , after the last element in a list, like with [1, 2, 3, 4, ]

> hi
> Match: 「hi」
> bleh
> Match: Nil
> fog
> Match: 「fog」
> dm
> Match: 「dm」
> fm
> Match: 「fm」
> hm
> Match: 「hm」
> gm
> Match: Nil
> rofl
> Match: 「rofl」
> dddddddddddg
> Match: 「dddddddddddg」
> gggggggggggg
> Match: 「gggggggggggg」
> mmmmmmmm
> Match: 「mmmmmmmm」

Hope that helps!
  - Timo

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