Oh this works too

sub my-name-is-Sue () { say "Hi, ", &?ROUTINE.name }


On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 8:59 AM, yary <not....@gmail.com> wrote:

> I was surprised there isn't a cleaner way to get a sub/method names, and
> found https://docs.perl6.org/language/5to6-perlfunc#caller
> Try this tasty morsel
> who-am-i () { say "I'm ", callframe(0).code.name }
> who-am-i;
> -y
> On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 12:41 AM, ToddAndMargo <toddandma...@zoho.com>
> wrote:
>> On 05/21/2018 11:21 PM, Siavash wrote:
>>> https://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl6.users/2017/03/msg3423.html
>>> On 2018-05-22 06:04:47 GMT, ToddAndMargo wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I need to know the name of the subroutine I am in.
>>>> This is the way I use to do it in Perl 5:
>>>>           (my $Name = (caller(0))[3] ) ~~ s{.*::}{};
>>>> How do I do it in Perl 6?
>>>> Many thanks,
>>>> -T
>> Hi Siavash,
>> Oh now this is embarrassing.  That was me!  And I
>> have a keeper file on it too.
>> Wait, why am I wring you again? Is Sparky still
>> in the navy?  Is Teddy still president?  You kids
>> get off my lawn !!!  I hate when this happens.
>> I have a lawn?
>> :'(
>> -T
>> My newly rediscovered notes:
>> Perl 6:
>>    what is my program's name?
>>    what is my sub's name?
>> <code WhoTest.pl6>
>> #!/usr/bin/perl6
>> sub Test () {
>>    my $f = $?FILE; say "   \$\?FILE=<$f>";
>>    my $g = $?FILE.IO.basename;  say "   \$\?FILE.IO.basename=<$g>";
>>    ( my $IAm = $?FILE ) ~~ s|.*"/"||; say "   Regex: \$IAm=<$IAm>\n";
>>    # sub Test () { #`(Sub|58588296) ... }
>>    my $h = &?ROUTINE.gist;
>>    say "   \&\?ROUTINE.gist=<$h>";
>>    $h ~~ m/' '(.*?)' '\(/;
>>    say "   Regex: This sub\'s name is <$0>";
>>    &?ROUTINE.gist ~~ m/' '(.*?)' '\(/; say "   A more compact way =<$0>;"
>> }
>> Test();
>> </code>
>> abc
>> <code WhoIsMySub.pl6>
>> #!/usr/bin/env perl6
>> sub f() { put &?ROUTINE.gist; };
>> sub abc () {
>>     say "This subroutine's ID is ", f;
>>     print "\n";
>>     &?ROUTINE.gist ~~ m/' '(.*?)' '\(/;
>>     my $SubName = $0;
>>     say "This subroutine is called $SubName";
>> }
>> </code>
>> $ WhoTest.pl6
>>    $?FILE=</home/linuxutil/./WhoTest.pl6>
>>    $?FILE.IO.basename=<WhoTest.pl6>
>>    Regex: $IAm=<WhoTest.pl6>
>>    &?ROUTINE.gist=<sub Test () { #`(Sub|72467224) ... }>
>>    Regex: This sub's name is <Test>
>>    A more compact way =<Test>;
>> Gist reference:
>> https://docs.perl6.org/routine/gist#class_Mu

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