Thanks Bruce,

This is great, and It works as I expected.

I appreciate all the helps.



> On Jun 4, 2018, at 9:04 AM, Bruce Gray <> wrote:
>> On Jun 3, 2018, at 7:41 PM, Xin Cheng <> wrote:
>> I am trying to make a program to do grep with perl6 regular expression, and 
>> I would like to colorize the matched part to the terminal.
> —snip--
>>        if $temp ~~ s/ (<$pattern>) /\\x1b\[31m$0\\x1b\[0m/ {say $temp}
> —snip—
> Change this:  s/ (<$pattern>) /\\x1b\[31m$0\\x1b\[0m/
> to this:              s/ (<$pattern>) /\x1b[31m$0\x1b[0m/
> and your example code will correctly highlight the pattern in the (terminal) 
> output.
> The doubled backslash in your original code becomes a literal backslash; 
> “\\x1b” is 4 characters long, “\x1b” is 1 character long (the escape 
> character). Also, you would need to back-whack the `[` only on the left-hand 
> side of `s///` (the pattern, which uses Regex syntax), not on the right-hand 
> side (the replacement, which uses double-quoted string syntax).
> If you do not want to use Terminal::ANSIColor, I recommend that you save 
> yourself some future confusion by isolating your escape sequences, like so:
> constant $color_red = "\e[31m";
> constant $color_off = "\e[0m";
> sub MAIN ( Str $pattern, Str $filename ) {
>    for $filename.IO.lines -> $line  {
>        my Str $temp = $line;
>        # if no <> surrounding $pattern it becomes literal.
>        if $temp ~~ s/ (<$pattern>) /$color_red$0$color_off/ { 
>            say $temp;
>        }
>    }
> }
> — 
> Hope this helps,
> Bruce Gray (Util of PerlMonks)

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