Bailador is based on Perl 5's Dancer which is based on Sinatra (Ruby).
(bailador is spanish for dancer)

Cro on the other hand was designed specifically around the features
that are in Perl 6.
This can make things more intuitive for someone proficient in Perl 6.
It might also make it easier to explore the way Perl 6 does things,
for beginners.

On Mon, Jul 9, 2018 at 6:27 AM Patrick Spek via perl6-users
<> wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> I've only done some very basic stuff with both Cro and Bailador. From
> what I can tell, Cro requires less code to get something going in, but
> Bailador is easier to get a regular MVC model working in.
> Have you read through the Cro SPA tutorial?
> It details setup for an API with a React+Redux frontend.
> On Mon, 9 Jul 2018 03:01:34 +0200
> mimosinnet <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Appart from pure hobbyist pleasure, I use Perl for some personal web
> > development. I have (solely) used Mojolicious, really had fun, and
> > learned Perl using it. I have been for some time looking for a Perl6
> > framework for web development (Perl6 bewitched me), and Bailador
> > looks like an attractive Perl6 starting point.
> >
> > While trying to build an application with Bailador, I came across
> > with Cro. While it looked quite complicated at the beginning, after
> > watching Jonathan Worthington presentation [1] Cro looks quite
> > versatile, close to new Perl6 features and very Promising ("anything
> > can be put behind a Promise, but they can also be broken"). This
> > weekend, I have been trying to build a simple web application with
> > Cro [2], and it more or less worked out (and learned a lot of Perl6).
> >
> > Before investing more time in this project, I wonder if you have any
> > advice or suggestions on Bailador, Cro (or another framework like
> > Hiker [3]). Also, I would appreciate if you could point to some
> > working examples (like [4]  or [5] ).
> >
> > Many thanks!
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> > [3]
> > [4]
> > [5]
> >
> OE/plQf9H4WsdaYSnG44JFUBMWlPuS7RAjbeVmZw7SQ2nj7buBmDpQqteu7XdBY7
> 659myZLGQuBjC9c3yeQqWycdF3u9pAvyP9YNLWNlTGcwTv3ODfuxoHNCg+Xbf+zK
> 00xBsaebyvU32904w7I/CYueQIzVGxGhnuvtFKnisyIs2qy/EzxlSGNLk75yj4J0
> R0nta5YD/cH5X66zbyvQ7grd4j7fh/VlhiGZx2z7VF/mLJxfTPIHUjflgSjNDioC
> VoUXAfi++jPN6GnMFqkvmtdMZZMz39/H1w7HkqoSF15z2wH61a2wYrwoJvSBgc4c
> xVDJ1oIg8vmt80f7DTcXzmUMkSk6pA==
> =KSuY

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