You're messing up a type and a method to convert into that type. For example, 

dd "1.2".Rat

will output you a rational whereas 

dd "1.2"

will output a string.

Again, search for Rat on docs gives you a line just under the Class section. 

> 16 вер. 2018 р. о 22:29 ToddAndMargo <> написав(ла):
> Hi All,
> What in the world are they trying to say here?
>    (Numeric) method Rat
>    method Rat(Numeric:D: Real $epsilon = 1.0e-6 --> Rat:D)
>    If this Numeric is equivalent to a Real, return a Rat which
>    is within $epsilon of that Real's value. Fail
>    with X::Numeric::Real otherwise.
> And is this why I can not find a type "Rat"?  Because
> it is a method?
> Then why does
>    $ p6 'my Real $x; $x = 3.1415; dd $x;'
>    Rat $x = 3.1415
> say it is a type "Rat"?
> Yours in confusion,
> -T

Best regards,
Vadim Belman

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