Thanks. I'll fix that.

WRT the original post, it looks like it should work, but apparently can't.
The error should be selfexplanatory. Either you interpolate using :: or <>,
but not both...


El lun., 1 oct. 2018 a las 13:38, Richard Hogaboom (<>) escribió:

> Not exactly, but close.  The following line is exactly from the doc.  It
> works.  It it works, then the offending(next line) line should work as well.
> my $bar = 'Bar';
> say $Foo::($bar)::quux; #
>  compound identifiers with interpolations; OUTPUT: «42␤»
> say Foo::($bar)::<$quux>; # won't compile - but the doc says it should -
> they are supposed to be equivalent
> Gives:
> ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling
> /home/hogaboom/hogaboom/Perl6/p6ex/./p6ex.p6 Combination of indirect name
> lookup and call not supported at
> /home/hogaboom/hogaboom/Perl6/p6ex/./p6ex.p6:345 ------> say
> Foo::($bar)::⏏<$quux>; expecting any of: argument list
> Also, another following line from the doc:
> say $Foo::Bar::zape;    #
>  compound identifiers separated by ::; OUTPUT: «zipi␤»
> outputs (Any), not zipi. The leading $ should be deleted.
> say Foo::Bar::zape;    #
>  compound identifiers separated by ::; OUTPUT: «zipi␤»
> outputs zipi correctly. This is only a doc issue, not a compiler issue.
> On 9/30/18 1:47 PM, JJ Merelo wrote:
> Is that taken verbatim from the docs? I'll create an issue if that's the
> case.
> JJ
> --
> Richard A Hogaboom
> 16 Alprilla Farm Road
> Hopkinton, MA 
> M508-330-3775


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