On 10/5/18 1:12 AM, Todd Chester wrote:
Le ven. 5 oct. 2018 à 08:30, Todd Chester <toddandma...@zoho.com <mailto:toddandma...@zoho.com>> a écrit :

    Hi All,

    I went to reply to someone, I think it was Brandon for sending me
    an eMail to my private address and the stinker disappeared!

    Anyway whoever sent me

          $ p6 'say <the quick brown>[0,2];'
          (the brown)

    I was trying to figure out why this bombed:

          $ p6 ' say "a b c d"[3,1];'
          Index out of range. Is: 3, should be in 0..0
          in block <unit> at -e line 1

    And you beat me to the punch!  It was the <>.

    Thank you!


On 10/5/18 12:31 AM, Laurent Rosenfeld via perl6-users wrote:
Yeah, Todd, the angle brackets operator in <the quick brown> produces a list of three words which you can access individually with an index, whereas quotes in  "a b c d" creates a single string. But to come back to the start of a very long thread of discussion over the last days, if you want to access individual words of the string, you can of course do this:
 > say "a b c d".words[3,1];
(d b)

Cheers, Laurent.

Hi Laurent,

Thank you!

This makes it clear in my mind what is happening.
      $ p6 'dd <a b c d>;'
      ("a", "b", "c", "d")

[] need to be given a "list" of things.  And
      $ p6 'dd "a b c d";'
      "a b c d"
a string is not a list.  The give away is the () that dd


$ p6 ' say <"ab" "cd" "ef">[3,1];'
(Nil "cd")


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